Sunday, April 15, 2007

Something Is Radically Wrong...

Well, yeah, so...Started this pretty sweet book called The Ragamuffin Gospel...Wow is all I can say...Brennan Manning (author) is a genius...Within the first 4 pages I was already questioning things about my own life and the life of Christian society...He first goes into the idea of grace, and how there are way too many Christians who believe they have to earn grace...Maybe it's just me, but doesn't this totally go against what God's grace is? Doesn't this water down something so awesome and powerful that a human cannot possibly comprehend? Isn't it us just trying to put God in our own little box of understanding? We are trying to become comfortable with who we are and what we do, so at the first sign of something outside of our viewing window we cringe and try to crumple it up into a little cell that fits in our brains...My friends, this is NOT was God's unending grace is...It is not something we are to ever mortally understand...How could we? How could we ever understand how someone loves us more than all humanity put together ever could? How could we comprehend how someone could love us NO MATTER what we do... No matter if we are saved...No matter if we have it all together...No matter if we don't know what the inside of a church looks like...No matter if we shake our fist at Him and never want anything to do with Him again...He still loves us, and wants us to be with Him in heaven at the end of the earth...So we have to stop trying to impress God with what do...With what we are involved in...With what we look like, talk like, walk like...and start inside of ourselves with out hearts...We gotta let Him have it because He will pour into it so much love that you just wannna burst...Realize that the gift of grace from God is bigger than anything your head will ever mortally be able to understand...Great paragraph here from Manning..."Our huffing and puffing to impress God, our scrambling for brownie points, our thrashing about trying to fix ourselves while hiding our pettiness and wallowing in guilt are nauseating to God and are a flat denial of the gospel of grace."

"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' FOR I HAVE NOT COME TO CALL THE RIGHTEOUS, BUT SINNERS."
Matthew 9:12-13


Carol Wilson said...

Hey, Jake, I love The Ragamuffin Gospel. Grace is beautiful. It's wonderful to see how clearly you're thinking and how you're growing in grace.


Marco Aurelio said...

sweet stuff Jake. God is definitely bigger than anything we could know.

Jeremy said...

You keep pulling these sweet blogs out of nowhere. I love it. It's so we COULD NEVER understand God, like...I hear that phrase a lot, but to really think about it makes my head hurt. He's God and my mind can't wrap around Him. WOW. Cya tomorrow...peace out.
