Saturday, August 30, 2008

Plans For Hope And A Future...

Hey! It'e been a bit of time since the last one...My bad...I have been freaking busy...I moved into school about a week ago for the start of RA training...I am going to be an RA of a mostly freshmen floor here at Spring Arbor University...I'm freaking stoked...I get paid to invest in lives and maybe become a part of their cherished memories...Solid...

Basically all week we have been training non stop and I have learned so much about what it means to care for the needs of people...It has started to hit me that I will have twenty seven different personalities all within one hall in a building...Not to mention, two in the same tiny room...I have my own room, but I will have to understand what the guys are going through...There is going to be a ton of things going on that I can't even begin to fathom...Some good, some bad...Some stuff that I know I won't want to have to confront...I am a people pleaser and hate it when anyone is either mad at me or perceives me as someone I am not...I guess you could say I am a softie sometimes :)

Besides all this rambling giving a brief overview of what I am doing this year, I can't leave God out of it...I am confident he called me into this position for the year...I will have to cut back time with other people and invest even when I don't want to sometimes...I know God is gonna teach me some patience and management this year...I can't just skate by and be somewhat lazy and make it through...I definitely can't do that alone...

Throughout this training I have met some amazing people...Our RA staff is awesome this year...Everyone is committed to a life for God and serving...And they are mature about it...I have learned so much from just watching and listening to other RAs this week...A common theme that keeps hitting me over the head is that so many of them have followed the process of seeking God first, always, and everything else will take of itself...It is so simple yet so hard...For the past year that has been my hardest thing...I have been worried about the future hardcore...Will I date? Who will I date? Will I pass this class? Where will my college money come from? Where and how am I to serve? How will I manage my time? One of the RAs blew me away when I listened to her talk because she always kept saying things along the lines of, "I'm not worried, because if we seek God it will work the way it is supposed to..." That thought process is starting to infiltrate my life and has taken some stress and pressure off to be perfect and worry about tomorrow too much...

I don't really know where I was going with this one...But I had to share how a simple truth has made life living for God clearer for me...Not so much easier, but now I feel like I can just live with God and go with him down this path, knowing that no matter the plan, it will be the best for me, even if right now I want something totally different...

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares thre Lord, plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

Carly Marie said...

Hey Jake,

I admire your confidence :) It sounds like it is all just falling into place for you. I believe God is walking this road with you. I look forward to reading more about it!

Bless You

Carly x